From our web, we offer the customer the posibility to request for a product budget to speed up their future order.
In order to ask for the products that you need a budget, click on the green button Add to my list for further information.
When you click on the button, a message in the centre of the screen will pop up showing the following:
Continue shopping It allows you to go back to the website and keep on adding products.
View my RFQ list It takes you directly to the list of chosen products to complete the request process.
The added product will apear under the green button or other products added.
Do not worry about the quantities, this fill done at the end of the process.
Likewise, a new button will appear Open List.
You can check the list in four different ways:
Troughtou the option previously mentioned View my RFQ List
See the added products under the green button (as mentioned in the previous part)
Clicking on the grey button Open List over the product information sheet and you will be taken to the end of the budget process.
Clickin on the upper right link View RFQ List
In order to delete the products chosen for a budget, this can be done in 2 different ways:
In any of the product sheets, click on the small bin icon that you will see next to the product.
In the final list (My RFQ list) click on the bin icon.
Once you have chosen the products for the budget, access to Mi RFQ List.
While you do not close the window or send the request, you can continue browsing and adding products to the list.
You can add the quantities of each product to the list there.
Fill in the form underneath with your data, send it and we will answer you as soon as posible.
If you have any doubt, please contact us.